Friday, May 25, 2012

On not writing

I've been preparing some entries for this blog on my test drive of an Amazon Kindle Fire. There's been a bit of a delay in posting as I debate and edit the content, or more acurately, debate editing the content. It occurred to me tonight that if I spent half the time I spend on self-censorship on actually writing I'd probably be twice as good a writer as I am today. Or something like that, I haven't quite got the words right yet.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Content Migration Pending

It may be time to consolidate some content.  This blog has been dormant while content has gone elsewhere.  Maybe it's time for more content to come here.  All great blogs have a theme, so I'm hesitant to create a mash-up of all the diverse stuff I've posted across the web, but there may be a way to get some related stuff in one spot.

Stay tuned...