Thursday, July 26, 2012

Kindle Fire Review - Intro

My company let me use a Kindle Fire for a couple months, this is (the beginning) of the story of what I found.  

First, a little background.  My only prior exposure to the Kindle Fire was playing in a store for 15 to 20 minutes.  My cell phone is an iPhone,  so I'm used to touch screen keyboards, but that also means I've been exposed to the screwy- in my opinion- iPhone autocorrect.  More on that later.  I do have access to an Android phone for software development (Android 2.2 OS), so I'm not unfamiliar with Android (the underlying OS of the Kindle) and have used a small collection of Android apps from both the Android Market (now Google Play) as well as the Amazon app store.  Evernote is one app I've used on both iOS and Android and also happens to be where the draft version of this was written (written initially on the Kindle Fire, then 'cleaned up' for posting).  My very tech savvy employer has also supplied me with an iPad (initially a v1 then traded up for an iPad 2) which I use primarily for note taking and business intelligence demos (using MicroStrategy).

When it comes to eReaders, I have a first generation Kindle eInk reader, a very pleasant reading device that is probably the primary reason I haven't bought a Kindle Fire of my own.  The eInk device just works, satisfying all by eBook reading needs.  But when the opportunity to test the Fire came up I was willing to try a swap.

Coming next: Impressions from my first use of the Fire.