Friday, September 22, 2006

Regarding Pigboy Crabshaw

I've had an item on my task list for a while and keep putting it off. Its a task that simply says "Blog entry on Elvin Bishop". I assigned it to myself so why keep putting it off? Better yet, since I assigned it to myself why do it at all? Why not just delete it rather than repeately pushing it back? And who is Elvin Bishop anyway, and what about him warrants a blog entry?

A quick stroll through Wikipedia reveals the following.

Elvin Bishop (born October 21, 1942) is an American blues and rock and roll musician and guitar player. Bishop was born in Glendale, California. He grew up on an Iowa farm without electricity or running water. His family moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma, when he was ten. He moved to Chicago in 1960 after he won a National Merit Scholarship to the University of Chicago, where he studied Physics. He met Paul Butterfield in the surrounding neighborhood of Hyde Park in 1963 and joined his band. He remained with Butterfield for another nine years. The Butterfield Blues Band's third album, The Resurrection of Pigboy Crabshaw is based on Bishop's nickname. He went solo in 1968 and formed the Elvin Bishop Group by the end of the year. Bishop would spend the next 35 years as a hard-working performing act, releasing several albums. His most memorable song was "Fooled Around and Fell In Love" from 1976.

Bishop's daughter, Selina Bishop, was slain in 2001. According to the Point Reyes Light newspaper, "Bishop, her mother Jenny Villarin, and a friend of Villarin, James Gamble, were murdered as part of an elaborate scheme to extort $100,000 from elderly Concord residents Ivan and Annette Stineman."[1]

In 2005, Bishop released his first new CD in 5 years, Gettin' My Groove Back.[2]

Retrieved from ""

Maybe it's the Pigboy Crabshaw bit that first caught my eye. But the
follow-up paragraph about Bishop's daughter was worthy of reading again.
Three people killed in two sentences. Did you catch all those names?
Exactly how does one extort money from the Stineman's by killing three
different people?

This is worth a bit more research.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Blogs by smart(?) people, part 2

Another chess commentary, cross-linked from the others I have mentioned. I only add it here for my convenience, so move along- there is nothing here for you to see.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Blogs by Smart People, Part 1

You can't swing a dead cat on the Internet.

But if you could, you couldn't swing one without hitting a web page that includes a short list of Blogs related to the article.

I had some good rotation speed on a dead tabby and it smacked into a blog entry about chess. Did I just hear a pin drop? Stay with me for a minute.

This is a blog called Confessions of a Chess Novice, and included an entry called "A Divine Tragedy on the horizon". Tell me you're a bit more curious than a couple sentences ago. If so, here's where you'll find the goods:

But first, this is an old entry. Using the 'recent posts' link list on that entries page you might be tempted to classify the whole blog as suffering from Blog-fade (a made up term derived from 'podfade', a less made up term for the condition when a podcaster fades away and stops making podcasts). That isn't the case, it's just an oddity of Blogger. If you click on the name of the blog, you'll be taken to the current entries.

Another "smart about chess" blog still actively posting is featuring an extensive list of other chess blogs and related links.