Friday, September 08, 2006

Blogs by Smart People, Part 1

You can't swing a dead cat on the Internet.

But if you could, you couldn't swing one without hitting a web page that includes a short list of Blogs related to the article.

I had some good rotation speed on a dead tabby and it smacked into a blog entry about chess. Did I just hear a pin drop? Stay with me for a minute.

This is a blog called Confessions of a Chess Novice, and included an entry called "A Divine Tragedy on the horizon". Tell me you're a bit more curious than a couple sentences ago. If so, here's where you'll find the goods:

But first, this is an old entry. Using the 'recent posts' link list on that entries page you might be tempted to classify the whole blog as suffering from Blog-fade (a made up term derived from 'podfade', a less made up term for the condition when a podcaster fades away and stops making podcasts). That isn't the case, it's just an oddity of Blogger. If you click on the name of the blog, you'll be taken to the current entries.

Another "smart about chess" blog still actively posting is featuring an extensive list of other chess blogs and related links.

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