Wednesday, November 29, 2006

And the winner is...

Is it funny to you that Access, the company that makes the Palm OS (they bought it from, well, palm), recently won an award (of sorts) for making the best PDA/SmartPhone web browser?

FYI that browser, the NetFront browser, is not available for the Palm OS.

So maybe you're thinking they just haven't gotten around to releasing it for the Palm OS. Plausible, except this is the 3rd year it has been named best browser. You'd think they'd have it dialed in by now.

A quote from the press release is in order:
ACCESS' NetFront Browser continues to be the browser of choice for the
world's leading mobile handset manufacturers and mobile operators. Featuring a
number of unique technologies, ACCESS’ NetFront Browser has been designed to
enable a rich and robust mobile Internet browsing experience.

Apparently Access doesn't think the Palm OS is running on "...the world's leading mobile handset[s]..."

Welcome to Business 3.0

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