This is the cat I almost lost. Although, that might not be the right term; she wasn't lost, I just didn't know where she was. She probably didn't care. My wife disagrees with the cat on that point. I was grilling a burger, my wife was out shopping- instantly you see I had no plausible deniability. The cat, being a sly beast in spite of her cow-ish running style while on a hardwood floor, used her invisibility cloak to scamper onto the deck while I was distracted by my quarter pounder with cheese work in progress.
Hours later, I notice the furry little beggar hasn't stopped by to demand the attention normally lavished on a queen of her stature. Thus began the search. It was dark outside, and she wasn't to be found anywhere inside. After much flash-light shining and kissy-noise making (does that ever work?) I noticed a dark apparition sprinting up the stairs to the deck where I stood pondering the darkness and how much trouble I was in for not noticing the cat's departure sooner (sooner as in, seconds after she left the deck). The apprarition drew closer, moving very cat like and now clearly fur covered, but appeared to be gray. I thought for a moment the wrong wandering cat had returned home and my wife was not going to accept this as a substitute.
Alas, it was a trick of the light (I mentioned it was dark out?) and the returning cat turned out to be the one who had covertly egressed earlier. I welcomed her back in the house, announced to the wife that I had found her (some liberty with the facts, perhaps).
And the cat laid down for a nap.
Truth in posting statement: All the above is true. The events however took place on the day after I took this picture, which was the day before I wrote this post. Isn't space-time a grand construct?