Monday, July 19, 2010

Photo 365 Project - Fallout 3

I was given Fallout 3 as a gift at Christmas last year and haven't been gaming much all year long. I'm digging back in now and finding it to be excellent. Its a bit like reading a novel, except there is a lot more work involved in extracting the story. This is a huge game, I've read reviews that rate it at about 300 hours (not sure if that is straight through or including some number of the side-quests available (optional activities, story lines, and subplots that don't directly advance you towards the end of the game but still provide experience, rewards, and entertainment).

I'm playing on an XBox 360. The controller shown has an optional keyboard attached, great for messaging but doesn't get used in this game- it just looks cool with the back light turned on so I thought I'd include it in the photo.

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