Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Photo 365 Project - Still Pond

An hour or so before this picture was taken a young buck and doe were tearing through our neighborhood. The buck launched himself into the air to clear a small berm of dirt and fence leading into the abandoned golf course (Carriage Hills, soon to be Stone Haven) I mentioned in a previous post. It seems the construction is stirring up the animals. Of course all I could think as I watched the buck and doe skitter across the road was "there is no way I can get my camera out to catch this", and I was right. The picture I did get was of a dark cluster of trees and shrubs that the doe, much more dainty in her approach to the golf course, had just disappeared into.

So, awesome photo op blown, I settled for a still pond photo. As I was taking this it occurred to me that one thing these "photo a day" pictures will give me are examples of how a picture could be improved. This one needs a bit of work, but it does capture the honest truth of what a pond looks like on a hot hazy day as the sun goes down behind some clouds. No crystal clear water, the pond plant life is teaming this time of year. No serene background that goes on for miles, this pond is nestled in a suburb of 60,000 people. No white sandy beach, that is real brown sand and clay, with some broken branches from the last storm laying in the foreground.

Still, a nice pond.

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