Monday, August 25, 2014

Pizza Project - The Concept

I live in a suburb that had four grocery stores, each a different company.  Each also carried slightly different brands of all the various food items.  When the longest standing one was sold to one of the other companies, it signaled the demise of our primary source for what had become our favorite frozen pizza.

Browsing the pizza cases of the acquiring store, I was a bit overwhelmed with the options- was there one here that would replace my favorite? And if it was here, how would I find it?  Gotta try them all!  OK, maybe not all- but a bunch.  But that could take a while...unless...

With my wife out of town for a few days I decided to do a pizza experiment.  I'd eat half a frozen pizza every night and the left overs the next day.  A different pizza each day.  Maybe one of these would  be a stand out.

The candidates have been selected (constrained by the number of days available before the spousal-unit returns home).  Let the experiment begin!

Bananas?  Yes, but (this) man does not live on pizza alone. Oh, not what you meant? Understood.  Stay tuned for the reviews.

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